API's Gerard Delivers Annual State of American Energy Address
January 13, 2014
API President and CEO Jack Gerard delivered his annual State of American Energy address on January 7th, focusing on the impact of future policy decisions on America's energy revolution.
"To lead the energy policy discussion and educate the public on the game changing impact of the choices our nation faces when it comes to energy policy, API's 2014 messaging and advocacy theme is America's Energy, America's Choice," Gerard said. "It distills America's energy policy discussion down to a basic choice: An American energy future of energy abundance, self-sufficiency and global leadership or energy scarcity, dependence and economic uncertainty."
Gerard also outlined the broad economic, geopolitical, and security benefits of record-breaking domestic oil and natural gas production in the U.S.
"We can erase what for decades has been America's greatest economic vulnerability - our dependence on energy sources from other continents, particularly from less stable and less friendly nations - and fundamentally alter the geopolitical landscape for decades to come, all while providing a much needed boost to our economy. But only if we get our energy policy right," Gerard said.
More information can be found at http://www.energytomorrow.org/soae.
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