Vets4Energy's Leanne Wheeler presented at Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) State Conention
June 25, 2018
Leanne Wheeler, USAF Veteran and Vets4Energy Outreach Director, provides information to attendees at Florida state VFW convention in Orlando (June, 2018)
Leanne Wheeler, USAF Veteran and Outreach Director for Vets4Energy, explained how energy plays a critical role in our nation’s national security to about 1,500 attendees of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Florida State Convention in Orlando (June 22-24, 2018).
Ms. Wheeler spoke about sound energy policies, hydraulic fracturing, the need for offshore exploration and new energy infrastructure.
She closed her speech by encouraging attendees to learn more about Vets4Energy and contact their elected officials to encourage support of pro-energy policies.
Leanne Wheeler addresses VFW Florida State Convention General Session, June 23, 2018
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